It's your Saturday Sutra

7 Day Free Trial - Unlimited Access or Individual Class Rental - it's your choice

Coming together in practice

Coming together in practice


Yogi - Melbourne

"This was such a beautiful flow. So grateful to be able to ground myself with Rhy’s magical guidance again"

Yoga with Rhyanna

Rhyanna has been guiding a vinyasa practice every Saturday morning at her Perth studio for near-on 10 years. It's become a ritual for many and now it's available here for your practicing pleasure as a dedicated Saturday Sutra.

In addition, Subscription Members will have exclusive access to dedicated content focusing on Rhy's special interest in yoga for executives, medical professionals, athletes and those experiencing anxiety.

Yoga with Rhyanna

Grab your mat and join me!

Your practice only needs a mat, a screen and the net.

TV | Grab your mat and join me!
iPad | Grab your mat and join me!
Macbook | Grab your mat and join me!
iPhone | Grab your mat and join me!


With an Unlimited Access Monthly Subscription